martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Cuarto trabajo 4to Economia y Naturales

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are fine! Here I show you the fourth practical work for this period.
Hand-in date: 18-05-2020

* Hola a todos! Espero que todos esten bien! Les dejo el cuarto practico de esta etapa.
* Fecha de entrega: 18-05-2020

Text Alcoholism: You have to do all the activities reading the text about alcoholism. Tienen que realizar todas las actividades leyendo el texto que trata el alcoholismo y releer en lo posible el vocabulario trabajado en el trabajo anterior.

Activity 1: Number the topics in the order they appear: Enumerar los temas en el orden que aparecen en el texto.

A- The possibility of inheriting the disease ----------
B - The number of American teens consuming alcohol ---------
C- The negative effects of alcohol in your body ---------
D- The damages caused to babies of drinking mothers --------
E- The connection between drinking and violence  ---------

Activity 2: Match phrases that mean the same: Unir frases que signifiquen lo mismo:

* Stop smoking:                                                   * dumbest thing
* The most stupid thing:                                      * I can' t quit
* To be completely conscious of something:      * to give up smoking
* I can' t abandon:                                               * to be aware

Activity 3: Finish the sentences with ideas from the text: Terminar las oraciones con ideas del texto.

1- 25 % of 8th graders have........
2- Alcohol ..............
3- Low to moderate consumption of alcohol can increase the incidence of .......
4- Large amounts of alcohol may produce .......
5- Alcoholism and poor nutrition can lead to .......
6- Children of alcoholic parents .................

Activity 4: Personal opinion. Answer the questions. Contestar las preguntas con tu opinion.

1- Why do young people drink?
2- When do they start drinking in your country?
3- When does drinking become an addiction?
4- Can it be cured?
5- How often do you drink alcohol? What do you drink?

Activity 5: Translate the text up to the words EFFECTS ARE. Traducir el texto hasta las palabras citadas.

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